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Hertzog Tartlets

Hertzog Tartlets are a tasty treat from South Africa. They're like small pastries with a soft shell filled with a mix of coconut, apricot jam, egg, and sugar. The crispy pastry and the sweet and slightly tangy filling make a delicious combination. People really love Hertzog Tartlets because they remind them of South African traditions and bring back sweet memories. Whether you have them with tea or just on their own, these treats show off the country's diverse and delicious food culture.

I use a recipe from an old South African cookbook called Knuppeldik, so thanks to the lovely ladies that put together this lovely book.

Tartlet ingredients

2 cups Flour

125g Butter, softened

1/2 cup Castor sugar

1 teaspoon Baking powder

2 teaspoons Custard powder

1 Egg

Pinch salt

Method for tartlets

Combine butter and sugar in a mixing bowl, whisking until the mixture becomes light and creamy.

Continuously whisk as you incorporate the egg thoroughly.

Sift the flour, baking powder, custard powder, and salt over the butter mixture, then gently fold them in.

Lightly knead the mixture with your hands to create a soft dough. Wrap the dough in cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Filling and topping

120g Smooth apricot jam

4 cups Desiccated coconut

70g Butter

1 teaspoon Vanilla

1 cup Sugar

4 Eggs


Add the butter and sugar to a mixing bowl, cream till light and fluffy.

While whisking add the eggs and vanilla, mix well.

Add the coconut and fold through.

Prepare a florentine biscuit baking tray, ideally shallow and well-suited for Hertzoggies.

Grease the baking tray and preheat your oven to 180°C.

Retrieve the dough from the refrigerator, dividing it into three portions. Cover the unused portions with cling wrap.

On a floured surface, roll out one portion of the dough between two sheets of cling wrap until it reaches a thickness of about 3mm.

Press the thin dough circles into the prepared tray.

Fill each indentation with half a teaspoon of apricot jam, followed by a layer of coconut topping. Ensure the apricot jam is completely covered with the topping.

Bake for 8-10 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned. Allow the baked goods to cool completely before gently removing them from the tray.

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